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Girls to the Front: The True Story of the Riot Grrrl Revolution
Sara Marcus
Granta en español 11: Los mejores narradores jovenes en español
Carlos Yushimito del Valle, Andrés Felipe Solano, Federico Falco, Matías Néspolo, Andrés Ressia Colino, Carlos Labbé, Rodrigo Hasbún, Pablo Gutiérrez, Javier Montes, Lucía Puenzo, Samanta Schweblin, Oliverio Coelho, Pola Oloixarac, Elvira Navarro, John Freeman, Antoni

Mad World: An Oral History of New Wave Artists and Songs That Defined the 1980s

Mad World: An Oral History of New Wave Artists and Songs That Defined the 1980s - Lori Majewski, Jonathan Bernstein, Nick Rhodes, Moby . I read a little bit of this most mornings, learned a lot about band dynamics and the way the music industry worked in the 80s, and how fallible memory is. There are some very amusing shit-talkers in here.