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Girls to the Front: The True Story of the Riot Grrrl Revolution
Sara Marcus
Granta en español 11: Los mejores narradores jovenes en español
Carlos Yushimito del Valle, Andrés Felipe Solano, Federico Falco, Matías Néspolo, Andrés Ressia Colino, Carlos Labbé, Rodrigo Hasbún, Pablo Gutiérrez, Javier Montes, Lucía Puenzo, Samanta Schweblin, Oliverio Coelho, Pola Oloixarac, Elvira Navarro, John Freeman, Antoni

Universal Harvester

Universal Harvester - John Darnielle Just described this to a friend as "a good, quick read with a horror atmosphere even though it's not really a horror book. More about people being compelled and repelled by looking at the times when they were most vulnerable." - I thought this was much more put together as far as flow than Wolf in White Van, but the narrator(s) aren't laboring so much in a prison of their own design, or not as aware of it. Really looking forward to the next one