After watching Looper I asked my companion to recommend a Philip K. Dick book to me, and he recommended this one. I have always intended to read PKD but never bit the bullet, and I'm glad that I liked it as much as I hoped I would, and surprised that it reminded me so much of reading Kurt Vonnegut (I thought PKD might be a little denser, but he had a similar light tone and humor while retaining inventive situations and ideas).
Anyway - the actual book. I'm not one of the kind of people who feels compelled to try to fit everything together, for example, I never tried to "figure out" Mulholland Drive. I'd rather just go along for the ride. So the open-endedness of the question of what is or isn't a translation in the book didn't bother me. I have my own theories, but I like that it can be read different ways (at least, I think it can). It was just a really engrossing story with delightful world-building, even if it was funny to see the gender roles of the time it was written seep into those worlds.